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Good morning people!

Just discovered about Luma yesterday, it is amazing, sure simplistic, but amazing if you think of the pontential, sadly...

It's to expensive, like way to expensive, U$24 dollar month? for 150 gens? get the fuck out!, the thing about american companies is that they don't account for third world shitholes like mine, they don't know what U$24 dollar means.

TO RESTRICTIVE, excluding adult content already prevents 60~80% of users from using your services.

But like everything in the past it will repeat itself, any and all tool that is avaiable just for the rich or coorporations will end becoming avaiable for the end user eventually, is not a matter of IF but WHEN, so I predict in the next 6~12 months we will either A) see a cheaper better competitor or B) a version that can be run locally

As for the potential this is how I think... (I'm very creative with my kinky!)

Think of 'basic' porn, does not need to be anything fancy, think meet n fuck

The base image, think Elsa here, POV, your POV (the male).

The second image, blowjob, again POV, she has a seductive face, you are grabbing her hair.

The third image, sex, since we doing dickgirls here obviously anal.

The fourth and final image, the 'aftermath', she is with her legs spread and cum dripping from her cock and anus, looking at viewer (from above), with her tongue out.

Each image being 8-14 seconds, assuming they take less than ten minutes to render I could easily produce a 40 seconds short story, with sound effects in DaVinci and voice/breathing in an AI tool for audio.



joe cool

would definitely love short stories of your work! also this is an incredible bulge


Thanks! I'm very anxious for the future of AI Art honestly, way to much actually, making realistic porn was always my end goal, hopefully a local model is released eventually so I can make short stories with it 🙏 Also another cool ideia with just two images is one with her squatting spreading her anus, seducing the viewer. The other is of her making wet fart noises with heavy breathing and talking dirty. AI can contribute SO MUCH for the Porn world, is just the gatekeeping that needs to stop.