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Remember when I 'predicted' that AI would be used for cinema but for the average joe? it is already happening lol



I predict in the next four years we will have a full lenght AI movie made by the generic joe, not shitty quality, that will happen in the next year, talking decent convincing movie here.

Don't you think it is fishy how the media is all against AI? even the fucking pope, all of then hide behind the overused 'THINK OF THE CHILDREN!111", that's NOT the case, the case is that they (hollywood) fear that the average joe will create better and more creative content than these multi-billion dollar companies, it will happen, specially considering we have the material already, all we need now is proper consistency so img2img can shine.

It all boils down to the the many many hack directors being scared, is that simple.

I'm ALL for it, just waiting for AI's revolution so I can make my porn with Claire lol, I don't care about scamming people, prank calls, kidnapping, deep fakes and all that meaningless stuff, I'm here for the porn.



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