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Here are some more truths, SD 3 is a failure, just like SD 2 and partially SDXL (which took almost a year to look decent), from now on don't expect things to improve for the average user (non-corporation), they are doing their best to prevent us to have access to these tools, not just because it can be used for criminal purposes, but because as AI improves it will eventually create artists that WILL create superior content than big corportations, also photography (specially cosplay erotica) will die if AI gets good enough with consistency, thing using Blender to create movies, this is their biggest fear, not scamming older people or making CP content.

If you are interested in this (if running locally) then simply learn Pony, forget SDXL and 1.5, focus heavily on Pony and merging to suit your needs, the creators of Pony are already backing up on PonyV7, so like I said last month don't expect it to be released, and if it is don't expect it to be on par with V6 either.

Honestly I have everything I ever need with PonyV6, is the perfect tool, all it needs now is model creators to focus on it (specially realisitc models) and improve the backgrounds.




I don't know where you learned Pony/SD but if you have any links or info that brought you to the state that you are at today, I would love to know. I have Pony V6, I just struggle to find a guide that leads to this level of production.