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Spent the last good four hours learning how to trigger specific poses without the need for LoRA's, got some interesting results, not just that, my smooth brain learned that I was all this time triggering styles worng (sorta), so now I shall include cartoon in the rooster.

Talking about including things in the rooster I found Maddie, thing is I swear to god I searched this woman before for Pony and I could not find, bizarre, well it ain't matter, now I have her and I shall use her, well not me, the dudes that are gonna fuck her lol πŸ˜‰

Another ginger is always good, unlike Disney and NU Hollywood I don't have any beef with gingers, in fact I want one for myself πŸ‘€



joe cool

matches the actual style so well


This so much, I was honestly scared when I generated it, was not expecting to match the style that well, I'm glad Pony exists.