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You see, kids go on reddit and bitch about 'But i fockin hate ANIME BRO!!!' and 'CIVITAI HAS SO MUCH WEEB SHIT BRA!!!!11111"

Wtf you doing about it then? I avoid doing 'realistic' shit because as soon as you put a put an anime LoRA with a realistic model the smudge shit starts and you lose detail, plus the smooth brains at Civitai that DON'T KNOW how to properly train a realistic model for PONY.

What they do? they make shit merges with realistic SDXL models or SDXL LoRA's, they take jugg and put on their pony merge and say 'WOAH THIS LOOK SO GOOOOOD', yeah? but didn't you forgot ONE thing? Juggernaut is not Pony, as soon as you mix ONE non-pony with a pony model it's over bro, you lose the most important thing PONY has to offer, which is prompt adherence, the ability to follow prompts.

So far there very very few 'realistic models' on Civitai that can follow prompts, most are shitty merges honestly, people are so slow to adapt to pony it's hilarious, the most powerful model for Cosplay purposes and they still stuck on SDXL, is like the whole SFM and Blender thingy, people to lazy to adapt.

I just want a Pony model that looks like Narutal Sin that can follow my prompts and understand cosplay outfits, that's all I ask.



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