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I'm so salty right now, all these models on civitai and not a single good realistic one for Pony, all I got is this one (Vendo's) that most people seen to ignore, everyone wants their flashy stuff that does generic renders and generic poses (standing girl with hidden hands and big booba, so original), people seen to be sleeping on Pony way WAY to hard

Pony is about creativity, I want the quality of juggernaut or photogasm natural sin WITH ponie's ability to understand my prompts, I want to do so so much goofy shit, I mean imagine placing a girl flashing her asshole on a crowded gas station while people go by their daily lives? on a supermarket? pony can do it! first it needs someone dedicated to train a realistic model that can do it, I tested all realistic pony models and this one is the only one that understands my prompts to a T, everyone other model lacks this ability and is all about quality and nothing else.



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