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Byro Damus

Personally I don't like AI stuff. It's weird and the ethics are questionable. Your stuff is just better all around.


Sadly 'my stuff' does not get me paid, nor will AI, but between spending hours on a render or animation and then spending 20 mins on a AI render just for FUN I would pick the latter any day of the week. I was extremely delusional believing anything would change if I kept a positive mindset, well it didn't 'my stuff' is subpar and won't get me paid, it is heartbreaking to an artist that spends hours on a render just so he can make $20-40 bucks a week IF he is lucky, this was my last attempt, I begged people for support and everyone pretended to be deaf, I tried four times, and these four times none did work, so I believe I did everything in MY power and I can't not change how people view me or my works, If my destiny is not to make money with my 3D stuff so be it, it is time to grow up and move on (already doing it successfuly), I'm after all not the first or the last artist to give up. If I upload everyday, I still don't make money. If I upload once a week, I lose money. If I upload interracial, I lose money. If I upload scat I also lose money. Tell me, what would YOU do in my position? sadly nothing can be done (you CAN NOT control who gives you money or not, check stoicism), it is either despair or give up (and accept), I'm not picking up the first option. Then there is the whole skill factor, I'm a bottom tier animator, and as a bottom tier animator I can't expect to be paid $1,000 month but I'm also not gonna destroy my already destroyed wrist for $200 a month, If you believe I should keep working for a measly $200 dollar, well that's is on you.