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i've getting notified by a few people they're not able to access my posts or the discord after the tier transfer, i'll change the posts to be "patreons only" instead of selecting the tiers for the moment, let me know!


Aiden Olney

Umm every time I click on your posts that have pictures in them I immediately get sent to your patreon page and I didn't even click you name. Do you think that's one problems that your have or just me?


i cant find cant even server


Yeah on the app whenever I try to open a post it just sends me to your page. I can open the photos directly just fine and download them but I can't access the posts to download the high res versions


the server won't load for me, left the server thinking patreon would re add me shortly after but hasn't done so


Yeah the server is completely empty and all your posts between March and October are gone


that is so weird, im sorry but that's completely out of my control, i have noticed tho that the server bot is absolutely janky and doesn't work well


the discord server is empty? posts being gone is weird, they could be locked but i still don't understand why they would be closed


try to disconnect your discord from patreon then re connecting it, the patreon bot sucks


that's odd, idk much about the app, the app stopped working for me after a year, just never sends me notifications anymore on my phone


Yeah but it seems to be a mobile app only bug afaik, maybe it has trouble knowing which users can access what posts after the tier changes perhaps. On mobile browser I can access posts and the attachments just fine though so anyone having trouble accessing is most likely an issue with the patreon app


All I can see in the Discord server is the "content" channel and even that wasn't there earlier.