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Good news is: i'll get to providing more content for you guys, im gonna start creating my own content along with commissions, i feel the commissions just drain the fun a bit and i got alot of ideas i wanna do, and still got some rust i'd like to brush off so doing it on my own works would be better than on commissions.

Bad news is: is mostly towards the commissioners since they gotta wait a bit more, but don't worry, i'll do my best to make it even on both sides, im thinking of working on the fun comms first and leave the more boring ones for last.

In conclusion
all in all, patreon is my only income and with no content to show it won't really grow, by doing my own stuff together with commissions i'll get some more traction and practice that isn't only done in comms, hope you all can understand, thanks again for your support, i really appreciate it.


Ivan Tejeda

Do us all a favor and please take limited spots next time you do commissions lol


if i ever open them again yea, the reason i have so many is cause of the situation i was in, needed the money sadly