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I got invited to a Fluttershy art pack, but dont worry, there's a good amount of people and majority are 2d artists meaning different styles, working paces. Basically it's gonna be a while before it's released, meaning it'll be in the mix of comms and the halloween pics, i heard words about it being released somewhere near Fall 2020, more or less, idk about being allowed to post the content here on Patreon or not but i'll update you guys as soon as i get words from it.

So as following of what's coming inbetween everything (somewhat in order but not really):

-  2 Halloween pics (Rarity nun and mummy Fluttershy)
-  some comms
-  MUS Fluttergym collab
-  more comms
-  Art trade with BronyPanda (foot stuff)
-  rest of comms and Flutterpack

ideas i got for the flutterpack is mainly her canon costumes/outfits/looks and a few non canon ones like the gym shy's i do and what not
