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 TLDR: financial troubles, depression, time to put on big boy pants 

straight to the point, shit's rough, mom isn't getting support from Social care despite the fact she's proven everything from doctor's papers to her not recieving any money at all from anywhere else, which means she isn't able to pay the bills for the electricity or house rent.

which makes me the only one with income, which would not have been a problem had i not been this incapable/incompetent to put myself to work due to doubt on making my stuff look good, now i know people like the stuff i do and i do get nothing but positive comments on my works and i really appreciate it, but i just... idk, i dont see what you guys see and im really sorry for it getting in the way, sometimes the positive stuff just flies over my head, and when i look at my stuff i just feel pure disappointment, which honestly is the main reason why there aren't too frequent updates, im doing my best to just snap out of it and get to work, you guys deserved to know this earlier, but i digress, im gonna give it all i can to provide you guys the content i promised.

Thank you for your time and support.
flutter updates on the next post



Wow things sucks, i hope the situation will get better for both of you soon, much love.


Stay strong bud, one day at a time.

Ivan Tejeda

I hate that stuff like this happens to the best people around especially when they are one of my favorite artists


Dude, don't doubt yourself. Your art is amazing and one of the best sfm artist out there. Hang in there and looking forward to this


You don't have anything to apologize for dude. Mental health is never your fault but it is your responsibility and it sounds like you're taking charge of that which is the most important thing. I hope stuff works out for your mom and I hope you can see your art for what it really is which is fucking incredible. Stay strong and if you need anyone to vent to i gotchu