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Hey Guys! how you doing? i hope everything's alright for you.

So, i got to be honest with you guys, i'm tired, like really tired, i've been in hospital last month, again... i receive my third dosis against covid, which i suffered a lot with a lot of flu, pain on my entire body and weakness for a entire week (if you are asking which vaccine was, it was the Astrazeneca one, man i hate that shit), and , for the cherry on top, i lost all my drawings...PSD, sketches, and originals, why? i lost another Hard drive, i know, i know, my bad for not using a SSD or Cloud for saving my works, how ? electrical outages, third world problem i guess, It was not only my PC, a fridge, and microwave too...

plus the fact i'm taking pills to sleep at least 6 hours per day, cuz i simply can't do it and it starting to affects my humor and focus. 

anyways, talking about the drawing thing, afortunately I could save some works, but right now i'll make a transition from SAI2 to CSP,  with the valuable point that CSP has the option to save all your works on a cloud, but i need to study and learn about that software from zero, so if you note a little a downgrade on my drawings in the future remember i need to learn how to use new tools and interface, be patience plz. I thought i'll never loose my drawings again, but well, i need to use some services like Mega or Dropbox (if you got something in mind, suggest it on comments).

So i decided to make some changes on here, on Patreon and my stuff, as you can see my time is limited and trying to do my best to not fall again on depression and avoid stress ...my heart and mind don't need that now, 

here are the changes for the next month:

*Tiers will be changed, leaving just 3 tiers, Tier 1 $1,Tier 2: $5 and Tier 3: $10.

   -Tier 1: huge thanks for the support and access to wips and all patreons content.

   - Tier 2: access to NSFW drawings, comics and short comics.

   -Tier 3: NSFW drawings, comics and short comics + PSD files and polls for the future content for the month, for example : a new TSJ2 page, Ganked Sona (short comic) or a blowjob piece with Hinata Hyuga +cum variation.

*Suggestions will be listened by all patreons, which characters would you like to see? for example, someone says Ada wong from RE, i think on Ada Wong facing Mr X and doing anal stuff or something like that for a short comic idea.

*I'll update GDrive links with all the work i could save, it's not much, but it's something.

*NO MORE COMMISSIONS, i'll not take more commissions, i know this is a risking decision knowing my actual finances, but i want to focus on the personal stuff, and focus of course on finishing pending commissions.

*pending commissions, they'll be done, don't worry about that, i was taking my time cuz i lost my interest or maybe i take something harder than i though, or i just simply lost the original file. 

*The main goal will be to upgrade my pc and tablet for a better quality and a better monitor (i'm using an old tv which it burns my fucking eyes when i stay long)

so that's it, for now, i want to make sure i made myself clear, i'm just tired and i'm obsessed on drawing better or something original, this is what i love and i hope you appreciate my work as much as I do, I'm always grateful for the support, and i totally get it if you think that i am being selfish or something, but it's not about that, this is my passion and i love to share it with you guys, and I just want to make the better content, again, thanks for you support, your contribution save my life twice with the hospital bills, things here on Argentina are getting worse everyday and you guys helped me, thanks...seriously and honestly...thanks!

Stay safe guys!


Note1: changes will be made on April 1st

Note2: Oh and april 15th is my bday, should i do something with Jenn?

Note3: sorry for my english, he.




Always here for you, buddy. I know you have been going through a lot and glad you're taking initiative. Stay strong and focus on the good you can do yourself.


Yeah just glad youre ok. Hope to hear more from you soon!


No te preocupes por lo del ingles hermano, estoy seguro que todos comprendimos y estamos aqui para apoyarte. Gracias a ti por pese a todo siempre volver y compartir tu arte con nosotros, que estes bien es lo importante y prioridad.


Hey mate. Glad to hear from you. Sorry you've had it so rough for so long. Really hope it does nothing but get better for you from here on out. Really glad you still want to share your awesome artwork with us. Look forward to seeing what you come up with! Wishing you all the best. Keeping looking after yourself as number one priority!