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Hey guys! How you doing? hope you all are doing safe , i want to announce some things:

1) i'll opened to suggestions for TSJ 2 upcoming pages, as some of you might known i lost the story script, i wrote another one to continue the story ,but honestly didn't like it, so i'll give you the opportunity to help me with it, you can send me an email (parvadart92@gmail.com) with your ideas, suggestions or script for next pages, thanks for advance guys!

2) the second thing is, i was practicing and study a lot to evolve my art, so i decide to make 2 or 3 (depends of my time) polls when you can decide the characters for a short comic page story, of course you'll be able to suggest the poses, dialogs and actions.

3) and the last thing is i want to say thanks again for you support, and i really appreciate all your effort every month, thank you so much guys

well, i got nothing more to say, stay safe ,these are a crazy times, so spend some time with the people you love! 

i see you later !



this all sounds awesome parvad. thank YOU for your excellent artwork. we patrons really appreciate your hard work and time you put into your drawings and in the end it really shows! cant wait to work with you in the future and see whats next! be safe! 😁👍🏻


Gracias a ti Parvad por tu esfuerzo y arte! 👏🏻 Y gracias igualmente por dejarnos participar en tu contenido. Espero con anclas a ver lo que nos traerá el futuro!


Please continue the incredibles one and make it a full comic!