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No sex this time, but we're seeing some more development in Pip's training to be more feminine, by announcing she's trans!


So I thought about this for a few months, back when I wrote the story for June. It honestly does make sense for this journey to come down to Pip being trans at some point, don't you think? So yeah, Pip will be going by she/her pronouns moving forward.

Hope you guys like this particular chapter! Maybe not the most sex-filled thing, but it would help lessen the confusion reading any further, yeh?


YOTB August #1: Pip and Dotty

"Hey, Pip! The mailman's here!" As the bunny siblings arrive home from an ice cream outing, they spot the leopard dressed in the postal uniform slipping a package on the front steps. Turning to see them up their fancy walkway, he tipped his hat to Pip specifically, causing him to blush as he suc...


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