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Rias has an encounter with Katarea in Riser's library, hopeful to find another piece to their key to freedom. However, she ends up seeing the true Leviathan once again, although it's much more dangerous than she could have ever expected.


Welp, it's a new year, and even now I've celebrated ten years of smut writing. Crazy, innit?

Here's hoping the next ten years are just as grand! Hope 2023 is a good one overall.


DxD: HCTB Ch. 23

"The taboo spells, of course Riser would hide it so deep in his family's library." The naked Rias strolled quietly down the aisle of books, eyeing the spines as they were positioned outwards on those shelves. She studied them closely, looking for anything that might stand out for her. She imagi...



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