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Selina Kyle is obsessed with getting Batman's attention, wanting to ride his batdick so badly. Thankfully for her, even if she doesn't quite want it, there are plenty of whacky folks within Porky's that would be willing to fuck her inside out. And they're all a little looney.


So yeah, what's this about, exactly? Well, the client asked for the kinks and for it to take place in a bar, and I had to think a little hard about the setting and what kind of people would want to surround around Catwoman.

Then I remembered, oh yeah, this exists. So I figure I may as well use Porky's as an obscure setting and base some of the characters around either heavy hitters from Looney Tunes itself or characters that made cameos within the context of the crossover itself.

...You know this may be why both DC and Marvel never return my calls.


Catwoman: A Merry, Looney Ol' Time

"Bowl of m-m-milk for you, miss?" "Har fucking har, like I haven't heard that one before in my life." The bar was known as Porky's, a place where many troubled people come to drown their troubles away. To the left of her, there was a man who claimed that the frog he had in tow could dance, desp...


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