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It's been nine months since that night where Shingo met with his sister as Sailor Moon, and Usagi is on the brink of birthing the true next of kin. When Mamoru takes a drunken sleep, Sailor Moon transfers all of the things he would have been to her brother, assuring that he would be the one ruling the Neo Moon Kingdom instead.

They better make sure to get all that taunting in quickly, of course.


Moon Offspring Desperation Ch. 3

"Shingo, you've barely touched your drink. Everything okay there?" "Hm? Oh, yeah, I might just be a little more tipsy than I thought..." As Shingo sat on his side of the sofa, he gave Mamoru a cutting leer, annoyed by his presence. They were just days from Usagi giving birth to her next of kin, w...


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