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After hearing rumors of the tower out in the Wild Area, Sonia decides to camp inside it for research. Unfortunately, not only does she seem to attract an unwanted spirit to her, even if it helps her research, it ends up following her back home!


So this was a story I did earlier this year, but I guess somehow I ended up never posting it.

I forget if there was a particular reason why I didn't, but for all I know it could have been just so I could save it for now. Which is funny because it never stopped me before from posting these sorts of stories outside Halloween, so who knows. XD


Pokemon: Tower Turmoil

"Hm, quite interesting..." Sonia typed away on her Rotom phone, having thrown in another Wishing Piece into the Dynamax Den. It was a peculiar experience for the new professor, having taken the role from her grandmother. True, her research on the Wild Area had been going on for some time, wonder...


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