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Jeremy is far within his second year in the pocket dimension where he's training, and after a mission to protect a caravan is accomplished successfully, Glynda's maids decide to get his mind off the tough training and anxiety of his sister's disappearance.


So the client has offered a few characters for this story that are outside the normal DC universe; the maids come from Overlord, Glynda is the Goodwitch from RWBY, Chloe herself comes from a hentai game I never heard of...

So I thought, hell, why not throw in my own irrelevant reference with the Cowlorado Kid? :P

Saturday morning cartoons were a wild time in the nineties, lemme tell you. This was one of those weird Ninja Turtle clones that came out after, but at least it had a decent plot and unique world building...from what I remember.

Just wanted to make sure people aren't just reading this and wondering what the hell I introduced there. ^^;


Zatanna: Sorcerer's Apprentice Ch. 5

"What a lovely place. It sure could use a little dusting." "Watch your tone, Enchantress, and consider how long those slabs of stone have been archived here." Circe and Enchantress stepped out of the portal with the Dark Raven following behind in silence. The two looked on at the large library ...


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