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Samus runs halfway across the galaxy to a dance club where she finally gives up on a chase from Ridley. She's bruised and beaten from their last encounter, far too fragile to put up a proper fight. Going in she knows she's doomed, but the space pirate doesn't seem to find killing her to be a proper victory.


And with that, this is the last story I'll be sharing across Patreon, Fanbox, and Subscribestar for 2020.

Well, the last full one, anyway. I'm hoping in the next few days to get a WIP out for the other tiers, but this is all she wrote for the year. Happy new year, folks! And I hope to still see you all in 2020!


Metroid: The Bounty Hunter's Dance

"Just another drink." "Come on, Samus, don't you think you've had enough?" "Never." Samus had landed on a planet in the Entertainment District of the galaxy, one where drinking was all the rage. Alcohol on Prohibition-22 was a normal consumption for those living on the globe, required to keep ...


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