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This is the story that you as patrons voted for between this and the Interspecies Reviewers reviewing Venus DeMilo from Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. I hope you're happy. XD

I do want to talk about why this was a thing, however. Because I'm sure even those of you that voted for this particular story were asking yourselves, "Fizzer, what part of your brain decided to give birth to such a dumb premise?"

Well, that's easy. Back in the early days of Pokemon when Nintendo and 4Kids were doing their best to market the Pokemon series in the US, they created a promotional video that came with a Nintendo Power magazine or was sold at Toys R Us stores. While there's at least one video that actually shows the full thing, I recommend watching Phelous's critique on how well it's aged and such, just so you understand a few of the easter eggs I planted.

This is relevant because Ash's original VA was not only the actress portraying his Aunt Hillary in the video, but she's also voiced Manuela in Fire Emblem Three Houses. So with all this silly information in mind, it basically amounts to the most crackheaded attempt at getting Ash to screw Manuela.

Contrived? Yes. But only on April Fools' day can you expect that sort of bizarre hoop jumping. :D


The April Fools' Story

"Mom, do I really have to share my room with Aunt Hillary? Why can't she stay with you, it's not like dad's coming home anytime soon." "Isn't it obvious? That's where Mr. Mime has been taking up residency." Ash was rather unnerved by that statement, almost wanting to vomit at the answer.


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