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We did it, guys. It's been a long time, probably since April, but we're finally here.

To every one of you, from those who have been around since what I consider the beginning to those who have been around just these last few months, thank you.

This tells me that you all have confidence in my ability to follow through with this endeavor, and believe me when I say I plan to do so. Starting next month, I'll be working on some scripts based on my stories, with maybe one or two based off of commissions I've written. If you're all okay with that, of course. ^_^

The plan right now is for the audio to be posted monthly, available for all patrons to listen to. Maybe after some time they'll see public release like my stories, but for now I'm looking to keep them on Patreon for the time being.

I have the script for the first audio drafted, and will likely give it some slight polish. It will be based on "Daddy Jeralt", and while I have someone in mind already to play the part of Leonie, I'll likely hold an audition for Jeralt. After that, I plan to open a vote on what's to come after that. Everything in regards to this will be starting next month, which isn't that far away, now that I think about it.

As for the next goal? I haven't even figured that out, myself. I do think that I'll stop measuring in patrons since that feels a bit more stressful now that I look back on it. You'll see it when I do decide, of course.

Other than that, I honestly don't know what else to say except thank you! Thank you for believing me, and being confident to share your support. I won't let you down with these audio bits.
