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Alternate universe story where Ruby and Yang are gyaru, with the pair looking to seduce Weiss and Blake into their way of life. Blake tries hard not to let Yang corrupt her, but it goes about as well as a story focused on corruption goes.


Odd as this is to say, I think this is one of the more out there TF stories I've written.

I'm not sure why I consider that, because I've done some bizarre things to characters upon request. Maybe it's because of how gyaru/ganguro can be perceived? I'm not sure. It just has an odder vibe to it.

But I hope you guys enjoy it, because I still had fun writing it. Also, fair warning: There's a bit of piss play in this one. ^^; I'm experimenting with it just a little.



"So much for peace and quiet." "Hm? Did you say something, Blake?" Weiss looked up from her desk, looking at the cat Faunus as she rolled over on her bed. She had no idea what she could be referring to; after all, the sisters they had been teamed with were going to be gone for quite a while, so...


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