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This might seem like a rather odd thing to ask for, but I'm honestly interested in what'll seem like the sillier of two options.

But yeah, in the past I've attempted to get something April Fools related posted for the holiday,and the results the one time I did so were less than stellar, likely because most people out there aren't too familiar with the inanity of Dingo Pictures.

I still want to try and do something that could be defined as a crackfic, something that makes the reader go, "what the frig did I just read?" And let's be honest, I thrive on that ridiculous nature; my avatar is a superhero that can jizz root beer, if you hadn't noticed.

And I know, it's a bit early to even talk about this holiday, since we only just finished Valentine's day, but I'm doing my best to stay ahead of things as much as I can. So, here are the options:

-An 18 year old Ash Ketchum deals with his aunt Hillary moving in with him and his mom...but for some reason she resembles Manuela from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. And she's been VERY lonely since her husband left her.

-The Interspecies Reviewers hear tell of a brothel that features a new species that none have encountered until now: turtle people. Unfortunately, the reviewers only have one woman they can sample, and her name is Venus De Milo.

Yes, both options are downright silly, that's the point. :P But if you're not happy with these, you're welcome to suggest your own down below.



An Interspecies Reviewers option? Well, that made that choice easy.