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While some businessmen had intentions of seducing the seamstress Primrose, when they learn that her head can get detached from her body, things get interesting.


This was something I wrote up as part of Prim's month, as the character is an OC of Neme's. I've written a few things based on her characters, of course. ^^ This was definitely a bit more unique, as I had to think, "Well how WOULD it feel if you fucked a woman's head when it's not on her body?"

There should be another story, but you'll hear about that when I do. ;)


Disastrous Events: Getting A Head In Business

"Priiiim! Come on out with us, girl! I'm begging you!" Prim laughed as she was putting the final touches on the dress she was working on, hearing Calamity whine her best whines. Even if she did manage to guilt her, there was little the dullahan could do to be convinced to leave her store.


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