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 Hey all! I know I don't do a lot of these status updates, but considering how wild January was for me, in a way, I want to talk about a few things moving forward. I guess this could be a State of Something update, but it doesn't really focus on numerous things so much as it does with one theme to it: growth. 

 To start off...hello to all the patrons that have joined me in the past few weeks! I'm not sure if it was my constant advertising of how close we are to the VA goal or the Doujins.com article talking about said goal, but I welcome your presence greatly. The fact you're on board lets me know you have confidence in my ability to pull this all off on a monthly basis, and I can't be much happier than that. 

 I've worked hard to do all I can to make this become possible, including having the chance to work with Ko Clover, who offered to record some lines as a small taste of what to expect. It may not have been what everyone expected it to be, but I hope it gives you an idea of how these things will go moving forward. 

 The idea is less a full reading of a story, and more a script that will act out scenarios present in those stories, or loosely based on them. As an example, I have a script written up based on Weiss Schnee interacting with her boyfriend from the Royal Pain series, albeit one-sided for reasons. I think I mentioned it elsewhere, but once the goal has been hit, there's likely going to be voting in regards to what scripts will be voiced. 

 And I have to be honest, January has gone better than I could have expected. I'm already halfway to 600 followers on Hentai Foundry, meaning another raffle can be expected once we're fully there; I'm inching ever so close to the 30 patron goal on here; and the tweet I sent out to promote making the Target audio open to the public has 20 likes. It doesn't have the 30 RTs I was going for, but apparently those are a bit harder to come by than simply liking, so I'll take the L there. 

 But you know what? I'm proud of the growth this community has been reaching. I'm happy that things have been slowly working out for me, and I'm grateful to have all of you who are confident in my talents as a smut writer.  And as I'm feeling super hopeful, I'm going to release the Target audio to the public, through Twitter, and let people see for themselves the small taste of what can come from this.

 Naturally, I'm not leaving the field of creating erotic stories, but I want to inch in other avenues and try my hand as someone who can write scripts. And I've done it before in the past, just not quite to this scale. But I want to thank you all as much as I possibly can, and maybe I'll manage to do just that with more to come in the future. 

 I've said it so many times in this post, but thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The year is off to a fantastic start, and I hope all of you continue on with me through the rest of the year. Take care of yourselves in the meantime. 



Awesome Work 😃😀😄🙂😺👍😁


Also, yeah, if someone could tell me how to get rid of this bot, that'd be great, it always leaves comments like this on my public stuff.