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So Valentine's day is done and over with, and all loving couples have had their day together. Except for Joker and his harem of girlfriends, who he ditched in the worst way possible. So what do three of the ladies do? Have lesbian sex and lure Ren in on the fun.

Makes sense.


Is it wrong I find this title to be clever? I mean, yeah, it's obviously just the day after Valentine's, but considering the significance it has to P5 AND it's being released that day, I just think it's fitting.

And I know, obviously this makes no sense to see on Patreon so early, but remember, in two weeks i'll be going public. XD


Persona 5: 2/15

It was the day after Valentine's day, and to say that there was a massacre that night would be quite the understatement. At least eight women who were confidants of Ren Amamiya, best known through Japan and the world as the rebellious Joker, felt they had been stood up by what they all suspected...


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