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As suggested by a former patron: " A Dark souls story in which Gwindolin punishes a male guard by domming him."

For a time, Gwyndolyn had a guard to protect his tomb. While security was his job for the most part, there were times when the son of Gwyn would get rather lonely.


For tags, I'm going with both transgender and crossdressing because I'm not 100% sure what Gwyndolyn is. From what I was told he's a crossdresser and uses male identifying pronouns, but the one video I found to understand his character indicated that he actually had female breasts. So...I'm covering both to be safe, even if they're obviously not the same thing. >_>


Gwyndolyn's Guard

It was a lonely night within Anor Londo, the castle as silent as it had ever been. The years following Lord Gwyn's passing had made it hard for anyone to live off of, with even the sunlight looming over the palace being a mere illusion created by the Dark Sun Gwyndolyn.


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