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Hello everyone! I apologize if everything feels like it's slowed down quite a bit between content on Patreon following Christmas. I decided to try and schedule everything non-holiday related after New Year's, just to try and even things out for a bit. Don't worry, though, because January is already packed with content, with a release coming on New Year's day! And that will be the second chapter of Mass Effect: Bonds of Anal! Aside from that, there's a few small things I'd like to talk about before we enter 2020.

For starters, to all the patrons that have joined up between the previous State of Something Address and now, thank you for joining us! I don't know what's happened that has brought you on board with your support, but the growth I've been seeing is tremendous. And right now, we're just ten patrons away from the next goal, hiring a VA to read one of my stories or scripts!

It's something that I've wanted to do for a while, after discovering the NSFW VA community existed. After all, nothing is more fantastic than hearing someone bring your work to life with such a tremendous voice. And your support will help make that a reality, although I'll be looking into which VAs I would love to help me in this process. Possibly more than just one! This will definitely be something I look forward to doing on a monthly basis in some format, so please help me reach that goal to achieve this. Right now, I'm writing a script to give you all a taste of what to expect, so look forward to that very soon.

Will there be any new goals after that? I haven't decided yet, as I'm not sure what else I could offer. What I do know is once we reach the 30 patrons goal, I'll be switching over from per patron to monetary goals. That feels like it might be a better way of measurement, honestly.

There's definitely going to be a change in format for the monthly Patreon prompts, however. In the past I've made it my duty to decide which will be worked on the following month, but I've decided it should be a more involved activity. Thus, all patrons will now be able to vote on which prompt they'd like to see written by those who suggested them!

I've been happy with the result 2019 has been, and I hope you are as well. Time now to close the book on the year and see if 2020 will get any better!

Thank you all again! Happy New Year to you all, and be sure to take care of yourselves in the following year!


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