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HEY, bonus points if you guess where this title came from! :D

Welp, here we are, at last. One of you voted for this in a poll, so whoever you are...I hope you're happy. XD

So yeah, in an effort to get revenge on Donkey Kong, King K. Rool ends up stealing what he thinks is a giant banana. What he actually gets, instead, is a rather aggressive princess that's not about to put up with his nonsense.


Smash Bros: Banana Dress Wearing Bitch

"As, look at how cute this place is!" With her umbrella up over her head, Daisy takes a stroll with Yoshi and Isabelle through Yoshi's Island, the princess in awe of its beauty. The green dinosaur stands proud of the princess and her admiration of his sanctuary, however it may look.


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