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So, fun fact, a few days ago someone commented on this story to ask me if I'd do a Marvel version of this series. The thing is aside from Spider-Man, I've never seen anyone really all that interested in cucking the Marvel series of heroes. Odd.

Anyway, this particular story involves Red Arrow and Aqualad getting cucked by Nightwing as he has his time with Rocket and Cheshire. A fun little ditty. :P


JL: BMSD: Red Arrow/Rocket/Cheshire/Nightwing

Roy Harper stands on a rooftop across from the Starr City Hotel, his trusty bow in hand. The former sidekick known as Speedy had been tipped off that some sort of double crossing would be going down there tonight, but that was about it. He had no further idea what this could possibly be about, bu...


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