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Similar to what I did with Cyberpunk back at E3, I decided to get on that sweet Ashe Train early. XD I didn't want this to be a very long one to begin with, so I'm proud of what I have going for her. (C'mon, don't tell me that Ashe wouldn't do something like this with Bob on the regular.)

The story will be posted to HF, AO3, and Questionable Questing through the weekend, but you guys will get to see it just a smidge early. ;) Hope you enjoy!


Wrath of the Bandido Bitch

Needless to say, the leader of the Deadlock Gang is not happy. After she manages to get herself and the rest of her team out of the ropes Jesse McCree had put her in, Ashe kicks the door in to their hideout, blowing her white witchy hair out of her face.


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