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Hey guys, I have this Page now for a few month to test it out and and I didnt think so many of you would be interested to even pledge 1$ to support my art! Dont worry I dont plan to stop this. 

As said I tested this for a bit to see how it feels and if its for me and you any use. I think its time for small changes. I have 2 new tiers planned and a slight overwork of the current one:

1$ TIER (atm paywhatyouwant) shall include: 

- Tip jar - ealy bird sketches - sketches of the exclusive stuff

5$ TIER:

- high rez pics - early bird exclusives - Sketch raffle 2 times a month

10$ TIER:

- 10% off commissions - weekly comicpage - 5$ TIER stuff

Let me know how this sounds  in the comments :) 



Great news dude, fully support the move. About your webcomic for the $10 tier, is this a brand new project or related to something you have already been working on? And when do you plan to make the tier change? End of the month or earlier?


Thank you :) Its something I started few months ago but I also wanna new stuff. So I'm probably working on a few different stories/ Sequences each month depending on ideas I wan to persue. This is a test run so we'll see :D