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Hey guys, sorry for big delay.  Took a bit too long but we finally have rewards updated~  
Check pinned post on main page.
You may notice some progress with Dullahan and extra traps added.  

So far, its not very comfortable at new place and i have to use notebook instead of desktop, but hey at least its safer~  
I'm still adapting but already started working.
We may not have as much stuff as usual though, oh well.
I really hope this mess will end soon and will end well, its turning into damn bloodbath already... sigh.   
Some people in 21th century still using soviet "lets shoot everything we dont like" model of thinking, and because of that we have fullscale war in middle of europe.  God i wish they could just forget that USSR shit and let me work on mah porn without being afraid of missiles -_-


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