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As I sat in my apartment living room, I listened to the bang of my best friend/roommate, Maria's, bed hit the wall as her boyfriend, Steve, pounded her. "I wish that were me," I thought to myself but not in the way most would expect. I didn't want to be Steve or even Maria, I wanted to be her vagina. To have your entire life revolve around being penetrated was the most arousing thing I could imagine, but it was merely a strange fetish that was all but a dream.

I kept listening and daydreaming before I noticed the new ornament on the coffee table. It resembled a shooting star with the "Wish" engraved into it. Maria loved collecting knick-knacks but something about this one was strange, it felt as though it was calling to me. I picked it up to examine it closely however the second I touched it, it disintegrated into a bright light before I blacked out.

I awoke with cloth in my mouth, gagging me. I was extremely warm, a bit damp, and completely blind besides some faint purple light. I began to move automatically and felt as if I was smothered by two soft walls. This went on for a while before I started to move again, this time much more. I felt myself go vertical as the purple light grew until it was clear I was looking through purple cloth. Focusing hard, I began to be able to see my surroundings and hopefully my captor. The fabric was removed, leaving me to fully take in the room I was in. It felt... familiar... the walls, the furniture, the layout... it was Maria's room! Why was I here and where was she!

It dawned on me suddenly as I realized the walls in my peripheral view weren't actual walls, they were thighs! I was between someone's legs and I couldn't move! Thinking deeper a terrifying thought came over me, that ornament was actually magical and it granted my wish. I had become my best friend's vagina! Terror and excitement took over my mind and I screamed.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard Maria scream and jump, sending a jiggle down my view. "Maria! You can hear me!" I shouted in my mind, thrilled that someone knew what happened to me. "What happened! Where are you! How are you in my head!" She stuttered, understandably freaked out. "I... I think I'm your vagina," I uttered as I realized the pure lunacy of that sentence. "My what! How! Why! What did you do!" she spoke as she faced the mirror, revealing her naked body to me. "I maaay have wished for this, but I didn't know it would actually happen! Who actually thinks magic is real!" I remarked.

"This is awful! Steve is going to be back any minute for round two!" She said as she paced. She grabbed your "body" and her knees buckled in ecstasy. "You're so sensitive," she uttered through clenched teeth. I would've responded but I was lost in my own horniness as blood and other fluids rushed to my form.

I saw Steve exit the bathroom, already erect, and instantly began to crave his shaft entering my body. "Are you aroused by this?!" Maria said to you in a mixture of disgust and her own fervor. "Please, Maria, this is all I've ever wanted, let him fuck me stupid, please!" I purred as the thought of being used filled my mind. Maria was too excited about this and she let Steve throw her to the bed.

She screamed in pleasure as he entered me, filling my very being with his enormous cock, stretching me wide. I was drenched at this point and became wetter with each thrust until Maria and I orgasmed in unison over and over again. With a large, calculated thrust, I felt Steve orgasm into my body, stuffing me full of his cum which led to another tandem orgasm with my new owner. Maria eventually collapsed coated in sweat as I sat between her legs dribbling semen out of myself.

Maria eventually awoke from her stupor and lethargically spoke to me, "We have to get you out of there." "I don't know how, but even if I knew I wouldn't want to!" I told her through my clouded mind. "You're okay with this? Forever?" she asked inquisitively. "I have never been more serious, I want to be your pussy permanently." I heard her think it over, weighing the options of her newfound hypersensitivity over the cost of losing her friend. I interrupted her by telling her that I'd always be here with her and that seemed to settle it. She rolled over and kissed the sleeping Steve until he awoke before whispering,

"Time for round three, babe."


Commissioned by Anonymous

Picture by otosume ruiko (https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7174629)



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