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You couldn't believe it! You won a trip to see your favorite streamer! You immediately packed your bags and traveled to her city. You both met in a local restaurant and you really felt like you had something going, she would laugh at all your terrible jokes, play constantly with her hair, and even bite her lip. You were surprised however when she invited you back to her house.

You both took a taxi and the entire way she couldn't keep her hands off of you. You were so aroused that the tent you were pitching was the hardest you've ever been. You reached her building and the second the elevator doors closed, she was on you again but with her lips. You were so hot and bothered that when you finally entered her apartment, you didn't realize the absolute trouble you were in.

She closed the front door and immediately her face dropped to an evil-looking grin. "Too easy," she said and began to move her hands as if casting a spell. You wanted to know what was going on but you were so close to orgasm you couldn't do anything but moan.

You shrank in size until you were about an inch. Her words continued to pierce your being as your entire form seemed to shift, first, your arms pulled into your body, then your legs. Your stomach and chest expanded until you were an amorphous blob with a terrified face. She smiled in glee as your body began to take shape into a cube, what the hell was she doing to you?! Your skin became hard as a sheen took it over. You soon realized it was glass, your body had become a glass bottle! Your insides followed suit as they melted into a thick, black liquid that tasted distinctly of nail polish. Your head stretched and morphed into a cap for the bottle and a brush to apply the polish with.

"Don't worry, I've done this a thousand times, no one will ever find you!" She cackled maniacally as she picked up your inanimate form, sloshing your innards. "Now, let's try to on shall we?" She said as she grabbed your former neck and twisted until it separated from your body. She began to brush your insides and turned ink onto her nail. Your genitals must've become the brush because every stroke was a blast of pure bliss.

She continued to paint her finger and toenails, each pass and dip causing your mind to fade just a little more. She finally finished and threw the empty bottle into the trash because that's all it was to her. You of course didn't mind, you were clinging to your owner's nail because that's all you were, nail polish. She booted up her stream and started by saying "Hey everyone, I got new nail polish, what do you think?" and holding you up to the screen. You were excited that her viewers seemed to love you. With the final piece of your mind, you managed to think "Look... good... for... owner..." before nothingness.


Picture by mm_ta_mm (https://skeb.jp/@mm_ta_mm/works/43)



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