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"Time to make good on my end of the deal," you say as you rip open your blouse, revealing your perky breasts cupped by the leopard print bra you bought for just this occasion. He eagerly shut the door and started to undo his belt. You were hesitant at first but after just a month as an absolute bombshell, you were ready to lose your virginity as a woman.

Only a month earlier, you felt you had stagnated at your dead-end job so you decided to ask your boss for a promotion. He pulled a thick stack of papers from a drawer and dropped it on his desk with a solid thud. He explained that if you were to go under an experimental procedure that was meant to increase productivity, he would guarantee a promotion on the condition that he could "test you out." You signed without much hesitation and he dismissed you. You finished your work and went home.

The next day you were greeted at the front door of your building by two men in suits. They told you to follow them, referencing the procedure you promised to do. You were led to what you could only describe as an operating theater with a large table containing restraints. They tell you to lay down on it but you were naturally hesitant to. They once again reference the contract and threaten legal action if you refuse. You reluctantly lay down and they immediately strap you down and leave the room.

A woman in a lab coat and scrubs enters with a cart rattling with vials. "What is this all about?" you ask but are told not to speak by the woman. She preps a needle from the cart and fills it from one of the vials. Leaning over, she presses the needle into your pec and injects the fluid, she repeats the process on the other side when your chest starts to feel like it tightening. You look down at your chest and watch in fear as your nipples expand atop growing mounds. Breasts! The injection is making you grow breasts! "What are you doing! I didn't agree to this!" You shout at the woman and begin to thrash. Your escorts from earlier reenter and gag you before holding you down.

The nurse proceeds to move on to another vial and injects the next dose into your thighs and rear. They, much like your chest, start to bubble with fat until your legs are indistinguishable from a woman's with a round, peachy ass and thick, trunk-like thighs. You feel another pinch at your groin and feel your member retract into your body, leaving a woman's genitals in its place. You watch as the nurse comes from around the table and looms over your face. She proceeds to administer more solution to your scalp, cheeks, and lips. She holds up a mirror and you watch as your face shifts slowly but surely into that of a sultry woman with big eyes, strong cheekbones, and plump lips.

Too dazed to struggle and fight, you let your captors release your straps and lift you off the table. They drive back to your house and drop you at the foot of your apartment, getting stares from many people. You stumble into your residence, off-balance from your new center of weight. You collapse onto your bed and pass out for an indeterminate amount of time. You awaken to find it wasn't a dream, you are now a gorgeous blonde in loose men's clothing. You find a large box on your front step along with a note from your boss telling you to take the month to get used to your body. Upon opening the box, you find a collection of women's clothing such as skirts, blouses, and lingerie.

After your so-called "vacation" ends, you enter your office building and your gait draws the attention of your coworkers because of your barely clad hips sway, exaggerating your long, smooth legs and your thin, tight blouse showing off your leopard-clad bosoms. You enter your boss's office where he ogled your amazing transformation. He produces a contract that nearly doubles your salary which you go to sign before he stops you. "I remember you agreeing to let me test you out," he states which excites you more than you're willing to admit. He kept up his end of the bargain and you were going to as well.


Picture by Uka (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115234329)



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