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 "Thank you for doing this for me!" Your friend, and secret crush, Clementine said to you as undressed. You were a bit flustered being naked in front of her but when she asked for your help with her art piece for the Easter fair, you thought this was your chance to get to know her. "So, what do you need me to do?" You asked while covering your junk. "Just put these on," she smiled while handing you a pale green bunny headband.

 "Hope you don't mind but I'm gonna have to make some changes," she told you as you dropped the headband onto your head. "What do you mea- OW," you were interrupted by a sharp pain where the band landed. You tried to remove it but couldn't. In fact, you could feel the bunny ears as if they were part of you. You pulled harder resulting in more pain until Clementine grabbed your arms, stopping you, "Calm down! You're fine! I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, would I?" She got real close to you and kissed you on your swelling lips. You moaned as her hand reached down and groped your plump rear.

 She broke off the kiss, talking to you as she did so, "I love you," she said, causing your heart to almost beat out of your shrinking ribcage, "And I want you to be with me forever." This was the best day of your life, Clementine admitted that she had feelings for you which completely countered the fear of your changes. If you had to become a cute girl to be with her, that was a sacrifice you were willing to make.

 Your hair began to grow, falling past your delicate shoulders. It kept flowing until it reached your ass and hips which were still filling with feminine fat. A stray lock fell between your perky breasts, tickling the nipple as it did so. The final change came as your dick was crushed by your enlarging thighs until it was fully enveloped between them, inverting it into a virgin vagina ready to be used.

 You stared at the mirror in the corner of the room only to see a petite bunny girl staring back. Your hourglass figure contrasted your wide, child-bearing hips while your skinny arms only made your breasts look bigger. Clementine came up behind you, reaching an arm under your shoulder and groping a breast. "You're mine forever," she whispered into your ear before leading you to a plinth in the middle of the room. You eagerly stood on it, waiting for her to begin her art project now that she had the model she wanted.

 The stone was cold beneath your delicate feet as Clementine directly you where and how to stand. As soon you were in place, she did something out of sight that you couldn't see. A cooling sensation took over and out of the corner of your eye, you could see your feet turn into the very rock you stood atop. The gray crept up your legs, solidifying them as nothing but inorganic rock before it reached your bottom half. You moaned as the transformation made its way into your new genitals, hardening your internals. It continued seeping, locking your joints in a permanent position. An odd calm came with the ever-approaching stone as your elbows locked up in strange positions. Your tits, once plush and warm, became dense and cold. You stared at Clementine as your eyes turned to granite continuing past and flowing down your hair.

 With the changes finished, your mind felt at peace. Clementine came over and touched your smooth body. "You're perfect, my darling," she whispered as she ran a finger down from your nipple, through your navel, and ended at your groin. She leaned in, hand still on your groin, and kissed you passionately on your inanimate lips. She grabbed a dolly and slid it beneath your pedestal. She slowly moved you from her art studio and into a room where you were shocked to see dozens of statues, just like you. She set you down next to a cat girl who despite not showing any signs of life, you had to assume there was a mind in there.

 Clementine went to the door of the room and turned out the light. "Good night, girls," she said before she shut the door, leaving us in total darkness.



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