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 "Please please please! It's just for the night!" My friend, Tiffany, begged, making sure to show as much cleavage as possible, "I promise! And I'll let you do whatever you want with me afterward!" I had to admit her proposition was intriguing but the idea of becoming her breasts was just as scary. She pressed them together one last time before I relented and agreed to her terms.

 She leapt up with joy, jiggling a bit which made me think how that would feel. She removed a small book from her bag and spoke a strange incantation causing me to become dizzy. She grabbed my hands, pressing them into her tits where they slipped beneath the skin. I watched in curiosity as my arms were slowly eaten by her growing boobs, converting my being into soft, womanly fat on her chest. My vision grew closer to her growing cleavage as it pulled my body further in. Tiffany moaned a bit with pleasure as she gained an even larger cup size. Soon all that was left was for her chest to swallow my legs until all that remained was my clothing in front of a ridiculously busty woman.

 "Thank you thank you thank you!" She squealed while playing with my doughy form. The alien sensation of her fingers massaging the deepest parts of my sent shivers through my metaphorical spine. I had to admit that I was thoroughly enjoying it but the promise of the sex we'd have afterwards was what I was truly looking forward to. She unclasped her bra, letting me feel the full weight of my body as I hung from her torso until she slipped into a Playboy bunny teddy which cradled me in its synthetic embrace. It revealed so much of me that I had a completely uninterrupted view of my surroundings which relieved a bit of fear I still held onto.

 "John's going to have a hard time keeping his hands off you," Tiffany said to me as she adjusted the cups of her outfit. "Hopefully he doesn't get any cum on you," she said on the way out the door. "Wait, what?" I asked her, surprised I could still communicate with her, "Why?" "Because then I wouldn't be able to reverse it, silly!" she giggled as if it was common sense. I got concerned knowing that there was a possibility of getting trapped, especially with how promiscuous Tiffany was but she'd protect me... probably.

 She reached the club where she met up with John who immediately took notice of her engorged assets. "Holy shit, babe!" He shouted over the loud music, "Since when were you so hot!" She giggled, playfully hitting him on the shoulder as his hands wrapped around my body, squeezing them which caused me to shudder in delight. Tiffany went to the bar where strangers fell over each other to buy her a drink after getting a glimpse of me. With each drink, she got less inhibited and more clumsy until it was a regular occurrence for me to receive half of her drink because it spilled out of her glass and onto me. To her credit she never let them get too handsy but when John came stumbling off the dancefloor and planted his lips on hers, she was already excited from the drink and the ogling I caused. He grabbed her hand and led her to the men's room and she skipped along causing my body to ripple.

 They made out harder as soon as they were in the relative privacy of the bathroom before John asked her for a titjob. "Sorry babe, but I like, can't tonight," She told him. His face dropped in disappointment but when she pulled her thong to the side, he accepted the compromise. He undid his pants revealing his surprisingly erect cock despite the alcohol coursing through his veins. He pulled down her top and pinched my nipples which caused us both to moan as he took her from behind. I swung from her chest, slapping against her abdomen causing further arousal to both of us. They both grunted and I felt the orgasm rock her body until they both collapsed in the stall panting. "We can continue back at my place," she breathed into his ear.

 She fixed her top sloppily so I was hanging out more than I was comfortable with and stumbled into a taxi where she resumed kissing and being groped by John. He fumbled open the door and we both got to the bedroom before she pulled her clothes fully off, letting me hang in all of my glory. She pulled a condom from the nightstand and tossed it to him which he quickly pulled on. She hopped on top and began to scream with joy as she bounced on his dick as he took handfuls of my body and played with the malleable flesh composing the entirety of my body. Another orgasm rocked Tiffany's body which also affected me until my mind was mush from the ecstasy before she fell chest-first onto me, trapping me between the soft mattress and her warm body where I fell into whatever the closest to sleep a body part could get.

 I awoke to gentle prodding and opened my non-existent eyes to see Tiffany holding the condom full of John's cum mere inches away from me. "Look what I got!" She giggled as she waved the one thing that would seal my fate as fat on her chest. "Wouldn't it be like, great, if you were part of me forever?" She laughed. "Be careful Tiff, I don't want to be trapped!" I told her, trying not to reveal just how afraid I was. "But you enjoyed it all night, I can, like, feel your thoughts or something," She had me there but surely she didn't take that as consent. "Think about it, being my big, juicy tits all day," she started to daydream, "No worries, just looking pretty and feeling good, I'm like kind of jealo-" Her sentence cut off when the condom slipped from her fingers, hitting me dead-on and spilling everywhere. "TIFFANY WHAT DID YOU DO!" I screamed as my voice faded away.

 She looked at her chest a bit mortified but that quickly passed as she realized she was now permanently this busty. "Oh-em-gee! You're like, part of me forever!" She said way too excitedly for someone who just imprisoned a friend in her, "I know you're probably upset right now, but, like, there's nothing I can do about it now." She turned and shook her boyfriend awake. "Hey babe, still want that titjob?" She asked, shaking me back and forth in front of him. His eyes lit up and he rolled over on top of her. His cock was hard in seconds from just the sight of my now permanent form. She pressed me two parts together as he shoved his dick between me. My anger at Tiffany dissipated in a fit of pleasure as he fucked me senseless. She kept rubbing her enormous jugs on him until he came, splattering her face and my body with more semen than I'd ever thought I'd be covered in.

 "I love you, my big titties," she said as rubbed me together, squeezing cum out from the top and bottom of my cleavage. "We're going to have so much fun together!" She told me all while I screamed at her to at least try to turn me back but she couldn't hear me which was evident when she presented me to John again, ready for him to stick his thing between my globes. I don't think I'd ever get used to how quickly she dismissed me as nothing but her tits but there was little time to think about that when John was over, ravaging both of our bodies.


Picture by Torisan



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