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When your sister stomped into your room, drenched in what you presumed to be the rain storming outside, you were initially confused by her apparent anger. She filled in the blanks when she showed you the texts saying you would pick her up from her friend's house. "Oh... shit," was your only response before she started spewing a Latin, coating you in a glow of light.

Your entire body began to shrink and change from the magic she was casting upon you. Your entire body grew paler by the second until you were white as paper. You forced onto your stomach where your head and legs attempted to connect until you formed a semi-circle, then your arms stretched around and grabbed your feet, melding into the flesh. She continued chanting as your body continued to grow smaller and thinner. Your hair and arms became delicate white lace as a small, purple bow adorned your forehead. Your torso flattened, turning into fine silk as your face lost its features. The ritual ceased as your sister was finished with you. She bent over and grabbed the pair of dainty panties which your body was turned into.

Feeling her fingers slip around your band was disorienting enough but when she began to spin you. "I'll turn you back after my shower," She said directly to you, "Maybe you should think about making promises you won't keep!" She let you fly off her finger, landing in a crumpled heap on her bed. You couldn't do anything but watch as she left her room, towel in hand.

You sat there for a few minutes, not being able to do anything else when her door creaked open again. You had your apology ready for your sister except the person who appeared in your vision wasn't her but rather Emily, the maid. Seeing her beauty caused your nonexistent heart to flutter. You were about to say something when your mind was snapped back to reality and you remembered that you were nothing but some fancy lingerie lying on a bed. It was humiliating being so powerless in front of the woman you had a massive crush on but that was quickly the least of your worries as she grabbed you, dropping you in with the rest of your sister's clothes.

The heap of old laundry berated your senses as she continued picking up clothes scattered about. Soon you were entirely covered and could only thing you could feel was the dropping and picking up of the basket you were in. This cycle of ascent and descent continued until one final drop left you on some kind of metal surface that rang out from the impact. The light slowly broke through to your vision as the garments on top of you were removed and dropped into a washer. Finally, it was your turn and you got a single glimpse of Emily's face before you too fell into the cool, churning water. The taste of detergent permeated your woven form until you were caught in the cyclone of gray water.

The auger continued to mercilessly beat you into submission until the water around you began to drain, glugging noises filling the drum. The hatch above you opened and a long, manicured hand plucked you out and tossed you into the awaiting dryer. The contrast between the wet cold to the dry heat was bewildering as your body tumbled around the cylinder. You wanted to throw up from the nausea when the sweet sight of Emily reappeared. This time when she grabbed you, she looked more nervous than anything. You realized why when she quickly slipped you into the pouch of her apron.

You reemerged to her standing in a bathroom, she dropped her panties from beneath her dress and tossed them onto the counter before stretching you wide. The pulling sensation tugging on your every fiber had you instantly aroused. She slipped her feet into your holes and slid you up her smooth, hairless legs. You were filled by her generous thighs until you were snug against her plump ass and tight vagina. You tried to move and were slightly successful but this caused Emily to become aroused. You began to move more as you felt her become wet, not knowing you were the cause of said horniness. Your squirming brought her to put her fingers beneath her skirt and begin to rub. She kept pressing her finger into her damp opening causing both of you to be bathed in ecstasy. It wasn't long before she quivered and came, drenching your freshly washed body in her fluids.

She stood up, washing her hands and face before smoothing the wrinkles from her outfit. She opened the door and ran into your sister, her voice having a tinge of panic that probably was on her face as well had you been able to see it. "Have you seen the underwear that was on my bed?" She asked Emily, "I uh... it's really important to me." The woman wearing you flushed, panic of her own tinting her voice. "Are these what you're looking for?" She asked. Your sister grabbed something from her and thanked her as she left. You caught a peek at what was exchanged and were shocked to notice a white pair of lacey underwear, purple bow, and all. It was an exact duplicate of you or rather you were an exact duplicate of it.

Emily continued her chores, occasionally getting excited when you tried to move but soon you gave up trying to escape without any help. All you could do was wait until your sister found you and turned you back, hopefully not getting Emily fired for her theft. She continued to vacuum and dust the house you lived in until your parents got home. They exchanged pleasantries before calling for your sister. You heard her come down the stairs, heels clicking from the formal attire she wore for the event she and your parents were going to. "Where's your brother?" Your mom asked, "Upstairs, asleep," she responded without the hint of fear she had when talking to Emily. Looking like it would be a few more hours until things were sorted out, you went back to enjoying your intimacy with Emily, at least until you heard a voice, your voice.

"Hey Emily, looks like we're all alone for a bit," the imposter said as he slapped her ass, causing her rippling fat to tickle you. "Looks like you're right," She giggled, "Do you know any way we could, pass the time?" The light blinded you for a second when the doppelganger lifted her skirt, revealing an exact clone looking you in the eyes, or whatever you had. You could tell how thrilled she was by the dampness that returned to you. It wasn't long after that his finger dug into he, pushing you deep into her sex. You were pulled out of your frontal wedgie to allow for a stiff cock to enter her. You were only centimeters away from the intercourse taking place, feeling the rubbing from everything going on until the familiar signs of orgasm took over.

The two lovers, Emily and the man pretending to be you collapsed into a hot, panting heap on the living room carpet. You were strung up between her legs like a hammock until the meaty hand that once belonged to you grabbed the fabric you possessed. He pulled you all the way off, holding you between his fingers before tossing you to the side. He remounted her and a rhythm started as he pounded the woman you loved only feet from you. She closed her eyes, trying her hardest not to scream in pleasure which the charlatan took advantage of by making sure you saw him smirk at you. They began to shake again as they both came close to finishing when he reached over and grabbed you. He pulled out and held you to his dick, spraying cum into you. You shook in disgust and were flung back to your place, this time covered in the seed of the pretender.

Your parents and sister returned from wherever they went after both Emily and the fraud cleaned themselves of their previous antics. You returned to your place beneath the clothes of Emily after being cleaned again. You never thought you would enjoy being drowned and blasted by heat but after the things that were done to you, you were relieved to not feel gross anymore. As Emily finished up another task, you overheard your sister talking to 'you'. "Please don't tell mom and dad about what I did, please!" she begged. "Don't worry, I won't tell them anything, in fact, I think I did learn my lesson." He responded, knowing full well that he damned you to the fate of being his lover's frilly panties


Picture by くらしっく



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