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I can't say more on this (and tbqh I probably shouldn't even say this much...), but I have to brag when I can: It's happening! I'm going to be an actual published author! With a real book!

This is an extremely exciting day for me and the culmination of a life-long dream. I honestly never expected that this could be a reality for me, so I want to thank all of you for your support, patience, and kindness over the years. I would never have made it this far without your help :) So many people have propped me up at my lowest, boosted my ego when I went into one of my periodic bouts of existential angst, and just generally shown me extraordinary kindness that I barely deserve. I hope that maybe the enjoyment you get from my writing helps to repay your kindness in some small way, because I do not think I could ever adequately express how much you've all helped me to get here. The world is in a dire state right now and it's often difficult to look toward the future with any hope... but this is a small thing that at least gives me something to look forward to.

If anyone ever tells you that writing pornography is a waste of time, all I can say is I learned everything I know from my obsessive need to pen smut... and if I can do it, so can anyone! XD

This shouldn't impact the Patreon; I'll still be posting stories here for the foreseeable future and, of course, I gotta actually write the alice saga all the way to its conclusion. 

Thank you again for everything! <3



Wow! Fantastic news Molly. Congrats by the ton. What took them so bloody long?! :D You deserve this. Thank you for all the pleasure you've given me over the years.


Thanks, Kisbie! I could not have done this without your support, so I'm glad I'm able to share this :D It certainly should have happened earlier in my humble opinion, but I'll still take it XD


Amazing news Molly, and I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. ❤️


That's such exciting news! Many congratulations!