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What a day for revelations! Alice makes an unpleasant discovery about her waistline when she finally returns to the maternity store to find clothes big enough to accomodate her most recent balloonage, while Jen suddenly makes a shocking discovery about Laurie's background. Could it be that Laurie isn't as perfect as she's always claimed?



poor alice!


Alice eating her way through the entire food court is a beautiful image, especially with the poor thing huffing and puffing without her scooter. I'm glad someone finally realized Alice needs to be full whenever they measure her. Brings us one step closer to someone actively stuffing her to so her clothes will fit for another week or two. Though, admittedly, 72 inches seems a bit small, considering Jen and Laurie measured near and over 100 when they were still in the 450-500 range. Regardless, well done! This is my favorite story of the last few.

James Swann

Are we going to see the other girls Alice met ever again?


How tall are Alice, Laurie and Jen?