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This story takes place a few years in the future, after Jen has left for college and her little Jesse really starts to take the brunt of her mother's relentless feeding.  When mega-booty big sis Jen returns home for vacation, it's time for the sisters to reconnect... and compare how they've changed! Jesse is determined that she's going to escape the family curse, but it's not just her behind that's changing.  Jesse finds herself imitating her sister in other ways too. Is she destined to turn into a fat ass bimbo just like Jen? Only time will tell!



Aww, I hope Jesse learns to love her big rump. It sounds beautiful to me.


Any chance of a spinoff of this story from jens perspective? Hearing about her all day binges, her summer gains on top of already being over 600lbs and her physical struggles would be hot!