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Okay! So! I have no idea if this is any good, but I was excited to try it.  The explanation is this, the other day I was SUPER HIGH and I discovered some software that basically makes cartoon voices say whatever you want them to say. I thought, whoa, there's some potential here! What if I used these voices to make A SEXY AUDIO PLAY?  Of course, being very high, I thought this was a wonderful idea. 

I'm not the most pleased with these particular voices, but they were the ones that fit best and I didn't have a lot to choose from. You might recognize the cartoons they're from, but just pretend it's Alice, Laurie, and Jen lol.  Anyway.  It's an experiment, so let me know if this is the sort of thing that appeals to people.



This was pretty damn good actually. I will admit, there are some bumps with the technology, as with a lot of AI voices (I can't help but think Portal when I heard the opening narration) but the sound effects worked well here, and they did capture intonation quite well. It reminds me a bit of some of those audio versions of stories you had in the past, where Sexyblimp provided voice recordings. I think this is a great resource, particularly the sound effects, that could provide some character to future creations.


It's definitely not perfect and doesn't really hold a candle to real human voices. But still it seems like a fun tool with some possibilities! :) Thanks for listening!


The idea may have been conceived when you were SUPER HIGH, but you were right about this having wonderful potential. I think you've stumbled on something special, a unique way to deliver some of your stories. I hope you continue experimenting with the software because I really enjoyed listening to what you created here. The voices you chose do good job of capturing characters' essence: Alice's sweetness, Jen's bimboness (is that a word?), and Laurie's anger/bitchiness. Plus, the sound effects help immerse you in the scene. All that belching, eating, and plate cleaning creates a sexy soundscape, hehe. Being able to hear the horniness adds a new layer to your writing that I think is awesome and well worth exploring further :) What's the name of the software you used?


No, it still doesn't compare to actual human voices, but this AI technology is definitely improving and becoming more accessible all the time. More please, Molly. The sound FX around the voices are edited in very well. Your comic timing when Mrs. Sarovy walks in with dessert was superb. It's that treasured combination of something being horny AND funny, which appeals to me greatly. xD The belches throughout are a particularly cute touch. A story about Jen dealing with her gas has obvious audio potential. ;) The voice casting for Alice is pretty much perfect as well.


As a non-native speaker, I prefer the written form. Especially Alice's voice I have in my head when reading you stories sounded nothing like that.


Thank you, I'm glad to hear that! I think it might have some potential for future stuff even if the voices are a bit "fuzzy."


That's fair! I might play around with this more, but I'm definitely going to keep concentrating on written stuff. :)


This is great! Just imagine the possibilities as it improves! The burps and hics and eating sounds as Laurie complains about them getting too fat made it for me. Such a delightfully greedy trio. 😆


This was fun! The voices were fitting for the characters though a bit awkward at times. The real star for me was the sound effects, the eating, the burping, and oh, the ripping! That was something very different to a regular story . Good stuff!


I do like the sound effects implying that they're still eating even as they're complaining about their weight XD

chris rod

I enjoy it for the most part. voice were good and love sound fx. Should improve by time.