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Hello everyone! Hope you're all doing well.  I wanted to make a post to announce two things:

1) My commission cue is finally open again! So once again if you're interested in having a story written to YOUR specifications, drop me a line here. I generally charge a flat rate of $250 per story with the understanding that a story usually runs approximately 10,000 words. If you have any questions, send me a private message and let's talk!

2) Since I've (ironically) had more time for writing during these chaotic days of covid and whatnot, I thought I might try to release TWO stories per month (rather than one) for $5 tier subscribers. I currently release one Alice chapter and one additional story (occasionally more) per month, so this would up that to one Alice chapter and two additional stories per month. I don't know if that's sustainable in the long run, but I think it would be good because, since my writing kinda runs the gamut in terms of themes and kinks, it would increase the odds that one of those two extras would contain something to strike any reader's fancy. Second, it would help me feed my insatiable need for praise and attention! XP HOWEVER, I don't know what people's reading habits are and, this might be a silly concern, I don't want to get too annoying with my posts and burn people out. So I do want to make sure, no one's gonna object if I try to post two $5 tier stories per month, right? XP



More stories? Yes please! You are doing great work and more of that is always welcome


More stories = more praise? That math checks out. "Too much of a good thing" doesn't apply to this scenario. If your write it, I will read it, so this is exciting news that I fully support! I'm more concerned about you suffering from burn out rather than your readers.


I certainly can never get too much praise XD Thanks so much for the kind words :) If I start to burn out, I'll pull back to the old system, but we'll see how long I can last :)


As long as it doesn't prove too wearing for you, then of course I'd love more of your writing, more often. It's not just the fat ladies, it's the way you tell us about them. I can't engage with fetish writing unless the author's style 'clicks', and yours completely does. Endlessly entertaining.


Thank you so much, Kisbie! I've definitely felt that way when I'm reading some other fetish writing and it means a lot to hear that my work is able to 'click' for you :)