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Ted is a big, buff, burly football player. Joy is a tiny, svelte, petite bookworm. They make an odd couple, but when Ted's friends make fun of him for his tiny girlfriend, Joy decides she's going to make some changes. Setting her mind to grow, Joy eats and eats and eats... and pretty soon her body starts to manifest some extreme changes! Ted hardly knows what to make of a girlfriend grown so massive that now HE'S the small one... especially not when Joy starts to throw her weight around!



This one was quite a surprise, and honestly, it kinda came out of nowhere just how good it was. I really enjoyed this, and Joy's transition, including her stint as thin and lean, versus her ner ballooning version towards the end is great. The dynamic with Ted is also one that I think works quite a lot too. I'll admit I really enjoy the power dynamic at play here privately, and it's being shown off really quite fantastically here. I think you convey how tall she is really well too here. It's not just 'She's tall' or 'she's big' the whole time, you explain really quickly just how significant her spurt is, and while 7" certainly is quite massive, you convey it, in conjunction with the wight really well. I look forward to the next part, where we hear even more about Joy's horizontal growth!

Norm Horseman

I really enjoyed this. Here's to hoping she might get even taller!


I really hope you finish this one off - it is probably the best of its genre I’ve ever read and I can’t wait to see how Joy ends up! Here’s hoping you do many more in this ilk!


Is the same Vanessa as Vanessa Vandergraffen from Food Fight? One of my favorite mcoddles characters of all time, would love to see more of her!!!