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Happy holidays, everyone! I know I'm a little late for those of you who celebrate Hanukkah or Yule, but just in time for those of you who celebrate Christmas or Kwanzaa! I've had a couple drink tonight in anticipation of the big family gathering tomorrow, so I wanted to say a few words ;P It's been a long, strange year for everyone, everywhere... I know I'm not alone in saying that things have been tough! But I've been very lucky and perhaps some of the hard times were good for me, to at least remind me how lucky I am.  Erotic writing is a very silly pursuit, but it's something that I'm very passionate about. And I've been fortunate to find so many people who share that passion! To all my Patreon peeps, I want you all to know that your support has meant the world to me.  Every comment, every message, every like, it fills me with absolute joy. Even you shy silent lurkers who don't say much -- knowing that you decided my work is worth supporting here makes me so happy.  Every creative person hopes that their work will connect with an audience and sometimes I marvel that I've achieved that dream in some tiny measure XP

I'm excited for the new year... after so many years of writing this ridiculously long weight gain story, the Alice saga is reaching a big turning point. There's still a ways to go, but we're definitely getting toward a big climax! I have to say, it's a little strange to think that I might actually finish the story! I've grown so attached to Alice, Jen, and Laurie that I'll be sad when their story is finally told!  But there's more that coming! I've got some exciting Alice chapters coming down the pike as well as lots of very SEXY extra stories.  I got a little flustered writing these and I hope you'll feel the same when you read them ;)

I imagine that there will continue to be hard times ahead, unfortunately, but at least there's a little something to look forward to! Here's to a wonderful holiday season and a fresh new year! 



Merry Christmas. I too feel very fortunate that there is this great community with your creations a beautiful central part of it all. What are the odds that I would stumble across your first Alice story way back when in the beginnings of my interest in such things and then be able to follow you while you have created a fantastic creative erotic experience that is not only itself but also a myriad of offshoots to all be enjoyed. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Relax, enjoy yourself and stay safe. Looking forward to a great New Year of wonderful content, updates and your thoughts, even in these more difficult times. All the best. Cheers.


Happy Christmas, and a Flabby Huge Rear to you all! ;D Incredible to think the Alice saga is approaching a climax, but I'm sure you will find plenty of new adventures for LAAJ even when the main thread ends. They will insist. And thank you Molly, for being so damn sexy! See you in 2022.


Merry Christmas! Times have been tough, but your stories have sincerely helped me through it. Whenever I need an escape from the real world, I know I can always escape to the fictional one of the Alice saga. It's familiar and comfortable and sexy. I'm grateful and happy that I'm able to support it and your talents in some small way. As much as I'd like to never see the saga come to a close... well, all good things must come to an end eventually. It is sad to think about, but at the same time, incredible when you realize just how far the story has come since its conception. Thank you, Molly, for doing what you do and for all those amazing Laurie scenes. Cheers to a new year and the tantalizing new chapters that will come with it!