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Captain Natalie McGillicuty and the fattest squadron in the army is back! These soft soldiers have lost their edge in peacetime, but when the time comes that they have to turn out for training exercises... well, they don't exactly rise to the occasion! Natalie's grown even fatter since her last adventure, while privates Carla and Nicolette find a new interest in one another. 

I noticed that one of my stories was recently leaked to bbwchan. Ah well. It's hard to talk about this sort of thing without sounding whiny. I understand that this just goes with the territory when you write erotica online and there's not much I can do about it -- and even if I could, it's really not worth it. I'm not going to pretend that I'm losing money because of this, I know full well that people who post on that site are the absolute biggest cheapskates on the web and would never have been customers anyway. I do think it's unfair to people who choose to support creators like me, but, if I'm honest, the real reason it annoys me is that bbwchan is such an unappreciative audience. On almost any other site, I could at least hope that someone might enjoy my work. The bbwchan people just whine endlessly for free porn and then, when they get exactly what they want, they just complain about it. No accounting for taste!



At one point you got to admit to remove your tumblr from your signature. It hasn't been updated in ages yet is more prominently placed than your Patreon.