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The girls have arrived at their hotel! Laurie just wants to relax, but Jen and Alice are eager to see more of the city. And when Alice finds a brochure for a local tourist trap restaurant offering all-you-eat pies and all-you-can-drink shakes... well, the girls are intrigued!

Also, apologies to everyone still waiting on commissions! The holidays and a bit of personal drama has put me a little behind schedule, but I am working and hope to have drafts to everyone who's ordered one very soon! Thanks so much for your patience! I know I've said it before, but I am very lucky to have such an understanding audience :) Take care, everyone!



Entertaining and arousing Molly, as always! Who would ever have believed the seat of Alice's pants would give up before Jen's? xD One thing that was interesting was hearing you the narrator ponder which of her garments was likely to expire under the pressure first. Sometimes I wonder what LAAJ would think of you, Molly, creating them just to perv over them. xP So much to enjoy here, I can't list it all. I just hope we also get to see Laurie enjoying the benefits of free, 'unlimited' room service.


Thanks, glad you liked it! I thought it would be a funny little twist to see Alice split her pants first... who would have guessed? XD They would certainly be scandalized if they knew why I created them lol


If Alice, Jen, and Laurie each have their own room at the hotel, and Laurie is "functionally immobile," I imagine she's going to have a tremendously difficult time even preforming simple tasks on her home, such as lifting herself off her back in bed, getting out of bed, getting dressed and undressed, waddling to the jacuzzi (though I suppose she could use her scooter to save herself the trouble of having to move a few feet on her own two feet, haha), pulling herself out of the jacuzzi. This may turn out to be the most physical exertion she'll undergo by herself since the big cheer routine.


clearly laurie didn’t wanna go out due to the exercise needed to get there lol good story, i wonder who’s bigger these days, jen or alice