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Alice needs a new outfit, so her mom takes her clothes shopping... but shopping for clothes that fit can be a difficult task when you're as big as Alice! Later, Alice and her friends Kayla and Jody visit a local bakery in advance of their weekly support group meeting and get... more than they anticipated!

A friend reminded me of an incident, long ago, when editors on the Dimensions Website wanted to alter an earlier chapter of Alice... They wanted to add additional text to explain why Jen and Laurie's parents were so conspicuously absent while the girls got into shenanigans (to which I say, who cares? It's an erotic story, realism isn't important! That's just extra words that's gonna get in the way of the hot stuff!) and also wanted to erase a part where Alice stole food from her work. That, to me, was just an absurd change. First of all, come on, anyone who's worked in food service has probably sampled the merchandise, let's get real. Is that stealing? The answer is: Who cares? What kind of capitalism-poisoned narc would complain about that? But secondly... the taboo is what makes it hot! They wanted to change it so that Alice was allowed to eat food at work, but, c'mon, it's the theft -- the fear of getting caught, the knowledge that her hunger is pushing her to break the rules -- that makes it hot! I try not to put on airs but I've been at this game for a long time... I know how to make it hot. XD



love to see chris back, as well as a lilith starting to accept her daughters never ending weight gain!


Very nice fat-positive vibes in this chapter. Even Chris is coming round - though I still hope he's due some terrible comeuppance.

Norm Horseman

Lol that's so weird about Dimensions. The only issue I could see with the Alice series is depictions of underaged sex, but that's more of a legal thing and certainly not really a point when you've got an erotica section. As for stealing or lack of parents, that's absolutely bizarre. It's nothing you wouldn't see in an 80's era television show lol.